So with the upcoming election, I think that these are the greatest things ever!  Politics has always been really stupid to me.  I do have my choice of who I'm going to vote for, but that doesn't make the whole process any less stupid.  However, I think these may have changed my mind.  I think I'm going to vote for Obi-Wan.  I mean how can you argue with "Our only hope"? Besides, Obi-Wan is like the only Jedi who survived Anakin's whiny rage quit from the Jedi Order.  OK, I guess an argument can be made for Yoda then, but he's Yoda.  I'm pretty sure he's like, unkillable.  Until he dies of course.  Boo, now I'm sad that Yoda's dead.  Or, sort of dead, with Obi-Wan.  I know! They should be running mates.  Then I don't have to choose.  But you can choose with these bumper stickers!  They are from the shop kariannkelly, and she's got some awesome things there.  So go check it out! The bumper stickers are only like $5 a piece, I think I'm definately going to have to get one.  And probably one for my boyfriend.  

Vote Obi-Wan/Yoda 2012!  Yay election!

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