Well, it's not a baby, not a human baby at least.  It's a new puppy!  My mom called me the other day and told me she was going to get a new puppy who looked almost identical to our Puck.  Well, he does, sort of.  He is a mix of Pomeranian and Chihuahua.  He's adorable.  Now, he could never replace Puck, and he will never be a replacement to Puck.  He is his own dog, and we love him to pieces no matter what!  His personality is way different too.  He loves to snuggle and to be petted, and him and Sapphire are getting along just great! Sapphire seems really happy to have a friend to play with again.  My mom is really happy too, which is great.  It's very exciting.  I had to do an update on the puppy, because you already know about all the other pets.  If not, check it out under the About Me section.  

His name is Cubby, and he is one year old this month.  Here he is!  I will upload more pictures of him soon!

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